Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cambodian Lifestyle ..

Cambodian Lifestyle ..Mekong river , the heart of Cambodia has brought this country with an abundant source of water and alluvial soil. As a result, 80% of Cambodia population follows the traditional living in the countryside which means lives on fishing and farming. Cambodians are the hard-working farmers who usually wake up before the sunrise and come back home after sunset. Like their neighbor Vietnam and Thailand, the main food is wet rice. Rice always appears in their meals.

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Why the heatwave is disrupting the UK railways ?

From cheaper sleepers to buckled rails all you need to know about the heat’s effects on rail travel.How does hot weather affect UK trains?The Temperature of steel rails can climb 20 degrees higher than the air around them. So when temperatures are approaching 40 degrees, track temperatures can come close to 60 degrees. That causes the metal to expand, putting it at risk of buckling.

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How the state runs business in China ..

Much of modern China’s epic growth was driven by private enterprise – but under Xi Jinping, the Communist party has returned to being the ultimate authority in business as well as politics. By Richard McGregor.

When Xi Jinping took power in 2012, he extolled the importance of the state economy at every turn, while all around him watched as China’s high-speed economy was driven by private entrepreneurs. Since then, Xi has engineered an unmistakable shift in policy.the party’s overarching aim, though, has remained consistent: to ensure that the private sector, and individual entrepreneurs, do not become rival players in the political system. The party wants economic growth, but not at the expense of tolerating any organised alternative centres of power. During the 1990s, Chinese leaders watched in horror as the Soviet Union disintegrated and its assets were privatised. Having seen business threaten to take over the state in Russia, Beijing has been determined to make sure that the same disaster does not befall China.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

China Sea War-VID-Hot New 25-Jun,2019

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Japanese hot news emerged in the South China Sea..........

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North Korea vs USA news ............

North Korea vs USA news LIVE: Time for talking is OVER, says Trump as Kim ramps up threats.
DONALD Trump has blasted North Korea on Twitter and said "talking is not the answer" after Kim Jong-un's missile launch over Japan on Tuesday morning. 
Here is the latest news and live updates on North Korea and Japan with reactions from the US and South Korea.

State TV in North Korea has released footage of the missile which flew directly over northern Japan before crashing some 1,180km off the coast on Tuesday morning.
Donald Trump branded Kim Jong-un's act "threatening and destabilising" and the US has conducted its own missile test in the waters off Hawaii.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May attacked the "outrageous" launch and called on China to curb North Korea's warmongering when she arrived in Japan this morning.
10.42pm - Russian diplomat and an expert in Asian studies, Professor Georgy Toloraya said that if conflict broke out, a number of countries “will be living under a threat of a nuclear volcano erupting" - and South Korea would be turned into a “desert”.

He said: “Everyone understands perfectly well that for North Korea, if it initiates an aggressive strike, a military conflict will mean a complete and immediate destruction, because no one can deny the US military might.
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